A curious classmate leaned across his desk and asked if I lived in a hut and had animals in my back yard in Africa. Surprised, I explained that Africa wasn’t just a place people traveled for Safaris. We lived in brick homes in a city and had to travel to the National Parks to see the animals. The kids in my classroom had no idea what life was like for people living in the cities of Africa and I felt even more privileged to have had the opportunity to live in another country and share my experiences with my classmates.
Travel taught me that no matter where you go or where you live in this world, there are things we can learn from each other. And no matter how different we are, human connection, compassion, and curiosity exist everywhere.
Having had the opportunity to travel since childhood, I was motivated to share how meaningful travel can be through Vacations That Matter. We inspire our clients to explore our world, learn how other people live, experience their culture, enjoy their food, and understand their way of life. We want to help you change your life through wellness and new perspectives. In turn, you will be helping change other lives, transform communities, and save wildlife. We want you to believe that Travel Matters….